I will say only one thing and hopefully you all live listen to it that, if you are not healthy then nothing in the world can make you happy but if you are healthy then no matter whatever trouble befalls you, you can counter that without the problem. Let me help you by some of the health and wellness tips which will be helpful for you in your daily life
For all the years, people have been talking about to get healthy you need to have a proper diet or so but, we must not forget about illness. If you are ill then you will lose the healthy 100 times more than gaining healthy. For that you need to be clean, you need to wash your hands, use only your towel, don’t touch dirty places and so on.
If it is addictive to you then consult a doctor and leave it, if it is not addictive then leave it at once. It is not good for you and your family and all the people around you. Quit it before it ruins your heart, lungs, teeth and life.
Take some time out from your hectic life and have some fun with friends or joining some healthy activities like gym, swimming etc. It will be beneficial for your health and will be a diversion too in your life from bad habits.
Don` t take stress but in fact consult with people who are near to you and can help you. If you are stressed in education then consult to your professors or so to help you in making projects or assignments or whatever you think is making you stressed because , Being stressed is like being sick and being sick is not good for health
If you will follow the above steps then I m sure you will have much more healthy life then you might have now and you will not find much of the health and wellness articles like this.